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Pharmaceutical Industry Donations & Influencing Prescribing Guidelines

Pharmaceutical Industry Disclosure Practices

Pharmaceutical Industry Donations and
Charitable Conduits to Doctors

New York Times: Charities Tied to Doctors Get Drug Industry Gifts
by Reed Abelson (June 28, 2006)

Across the United States, doctors in private practice have set up tax-exempt charities into which drug companies and medical device makers are, with little fanfare, pouring donations - money that adds up to millions of dollars a year. Federal officials and others are starting to take notice of these charities, which critics say are becoming increasingly popular as other forms of industry support to physicians have come under scrutiny of regulators and others worried about potential conflicts.

Pharmaceutical Industry Donations & Continuing Medical Education
Pharmaceutical Industry Donations & Policy Think Tanks and Advocacy Groups
Pharmaceutical Industry Support for Patient Groups/Promotion of Prescription Drugs
Pharmaceutical Industry Donations & Charitable Conduits to Doctors
Pharmaceutical Industry Donations & Influencing Prescribing Guidelines

Pharmaceutical Industry Disclosure Practices